Author. Historian. Athlete.

James N Dozier is a figure of multifaceted talent and dedication. With a distinguished career as a Navy pilot, Dozier has soared not just in the skies, but in various aspects of life, embodying the spirit of perseverance and excellence. A proud father, husband and grandfather, he has navigated the love of family with the same courage and integrity he displayed in his military service.

James's athletic prowess shone brightly during his tenure at Auburn University, where he was not just a student, but a star athlete. His remarkable achievements in sports laid the foundation for his strong character, teamwork, and leadership skills, attributes that define his career and personal life. 

Beyond his service and athletic accomplishments, Jim is also an accomplished author.

With three books to his name, he has shared insights and experiences to inspire and resonate with readers from all walks of life. His writing not only reflects his diverse life experiences but also, his deep understanding of human resilience, leadership, faith and the pursuit of excellence.

  • One of two of the last standing memories of Graves Center, the Graves Cottage on Samford Avenue has stood the test of time.

    Built around 1920, it is a landmark that is well preserved and the only survivior of the thirty cottages where atheletes and coaches of bygone times lived their college lives.

  • Peter Pinson, recent happy-go-lucky graduate from a well-known southern institution, was testing the waters of the various military organizations for the best fit.

    The lure of “Join the Navy and See the World” was strong, and the tiebreaker for the decision was based on the locations of the bases and the Navy’s more exciting weaponry— aircraft carriers, submarines, cruisers, and seal teams.

  • Peter Pinson continues to get himself into situations beyond his control. He has successfully garnered a transfer off the USS Neptune by qualifying for a position in the Navy Flight Training School in Pensacola, Florida.

    Just as his misadventure in arriving at the Neptune on schedule, he encounters difficulty in arriving in Pensacola on time.

Whether in the cockpit, on the track, or home with his family, you'll find that Jim's words and his stories embrace the life experiences he has so beautifully shared with all who know and love him.

His legacy is a beacon for those who seek to make a meaningful impact on the world. Please enjoy links to his books as well as stories that highlight his many successes.